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Online access to medical records

Most patients aged 16+ will now be able to use the NHS App to see anything that is added to their GP medical record after 10th January 2025. 

If you have SystmOnline access, you will be able to see your medical record through SystmOnline without needing the NHS App.

If you do not already have the NHS App or SystmOnline, you can sign up now to get access. 

You will be able to see your GP consultations, test results, hospital letters, and more. You will not be able to see medical records from before 10th January 2025, unless you already had access to these.

Don’t share your login. Anyone with your login details will be able to see detailed information about your health. 

If someone pressures you to let them see your health information or have your login details, tell the surgery. We can hide parts of your medical record, or hide all of it.